BREAKING: Trudeau Liberals vote to protect CBC president’s bonus

Liberals just voted to allow CBC bigwigs to give themselves bonuses after the state broadcaster announced mass layoffs.
Liberals to pay for 35% of journalists’ salaries

This Liberal budget update states that they will be increasing the labour tax credit for newsrooms Liberals consider a “qualifying journalism organization.”
Hero veteran James Topp sues legacy media journalist for slander

Canadian hero and veteran James Topp has sent Global News a libel notice for calling him a white supremacist in an article published in August.
CBC in lockstep with Liberal attacks on Poilievre

After a landslide victory for Pierre Poilievre, the CBC and the Trudeau Liberals are in lockstep with their attacks that the new Conservative leader is “divisive.”
Global News reporter melts down during Poilievre presser

A mainstream media reporter is having difficulty coping with new Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre and interrupted his Tuesday press conference several times.
Mainstream media slamming Poilievre before CPC results come in

The mainstream media is in overdrive trying to disparage Pierre Poilievre, the likely winner of tonight’s leadership contest.
Nearly all legacy media outlets prop up Pfizer doctor’s study on the same day

Over one day, well over a dozen legacy media outlets propped up a shady, government-funded, Pfizer-doctor-led “study” that warns about the risks of “mixing” with unvaccinated people.