Study finds vaccinated people spread COVID for a longer period of time
A new study suggests that vaccinated individuals infected with COVID spread it for a longer period of time than the unvaccinated.
Another mask study suggests they’re more harmful than helpful
A new study on face masks suggests that immuno-compromised people shouldn’t wear masks too often because they can lead to a build-up of microbes that can cause respiratory infections over time.
Study suggests natural immunity is better than vaccination
A new peer-reviewed study suggests the natural immunity of an unvaccinated person offers more robust protection against re-infection than those who received the vaccine before being infected — and offers about the same level of protection as those with ‘hybrid’ immunity.
Media claims eating grass-fed beef is linked to depression
Media outlets are sounding the alarm on a possible link between grass-fed beef and depression after a recent study from Pompeu Fabra University was published.
Scientists blame space chemicals for rise in heart attacks
Far, far away in the distant reaches of Earth’s atmosphere, scientists have finally homed in on a possible cause of the sudden rise in heart attacks around the world: space chemicals.
New study finds Moderna vaccinated more likely to be reinfected
A new study on the efficacy of the Moderna vaccine has found that recipients are more likely to lack antibodies crucial to preventing repeat infection compared to those with natural immunity.
STUDY: masks might make COVID worse
A massive study covering 35 European countries (602 million people) concluded that wearing COVID masks did not reduce transmission or deaths and may have exasperated the virus.
Nearly all legacy media outlets prop up Pfizer doctor’s study on the same day
Over one day, well over a dozen legacy media outlets propped up a shady, government-funded, Pfizer-doctor-led “study” that warns about the risks of “mixing” with unvaccinated people.
Massive study of 23.1 million finds vaccinated have increased myocarditis risk
A massive study of 23.1 million Nordic people found that mRNA vaccinations led to an increased risk of myocarditis or pericarditis, especially for young males.
Scientists publish study on post-mRNA vaccine myopericarditis
Researchers have published a study showing persistent cardiac MRI findings in young males following inoculation with COVID mRNA vaccines.